Ever since I can remember, I've always gravitated to colored pencils as my medium of choice. So much so, that my art teachers in college finally gave up trying to get me to try others. My favorite thing to draw then, was mostly portraits of people. Well, I'm not sure when that changed but I realized that I loved drawing portraits of pets even more. I guess I've just always been an animal lover! While my drawings are very life-like, they are not hyper-realistic by any means. I've never wanted to be so realistic that nobody could tell the difference from a photo.... Why not just take the photo, then? Instead, I just want to fool the eye (and brain) just for a moment that it is a photo, only to realize it's not, all the while capturing the full personality and soul of the animal. I hope you enjoy my work and style and contact me or share my info with others who would like their own. I'm always happy to take on a new project, but while I'm not busy making art, I stay busy with my wife and our Frenchie and Pug, Oscar and Edith in Connecticut

Agent – AA Management
500 Terry Francois Street
San Francisco, CA 94158
Tel: 123-456-7890
If you like a specific portrait and want one for yourself, you can purchase a print at a substantially
lesser cost than a personally commissioned piece. I offer all of my portrait prints to the public.
All originals have been professionally photographed and color corrected to have as much detail
and accuracy as possible to the original.
If this interests you, simply click on "ORDER A PRINT". You'll be guided to a secure area
of the site, where you can choose which print, what size and what paper! Prices will vary
depending on the selections.
NOTE: All monitors are different and color may differ slightly from what you see
on screen and your final print.